Postgraduate Funding for University Students through Grants from Charity | GradFunding



Initially Approaching Funding Bodies to Request Forms

So, you've got a list of potential funders and contact details, having sourced them through our funding database, and your own research?

The next step is to see how many you are actually eligible to apply to, and to request application forms.

Many charities, as we have seen, have quite specific eligibility criteria which are not listed upfront. So expect some disappointment here- and for many promising-sounding bodies to fall by the wayside. But with luck, you will get a few positive responses. Once you have even got this far, your chances of eventually securing an award are very reasonable indeed!

You can check a charity out and request forms by writing a brief letter of initial enquiry. It is essential that you do this- don't waste the time applying to a charity without making sure that they are happy to receive your application. This letter of initial enquiry can be an email, or sent in post (with a stamped self-addressed envelope so they can reply). However, one word of warning: do make sure you have done at least basic research on the charity before you contact them (i.e. visit their website, if they have one!). This will prevent you from making simple errors, and will save you time further down the line.

The initial letter of enquiry should state your current or prospective course, your year of study, your nationality, some very brief details about your research/course, and what exactly you need funding for. This letter is not the place to forward any major arguments- save them for when you actually apply!

The letters are best produced en masse, using a neat and professional-looking template. Expect to send out quite a lot of letters, as some charities will not reply, or tell you are ineligible. You may well get nine negative responses for every one positive, but persevere!

Example Enquiry Letters
Below are four example enquiry letters from four different current and prospective students to help you. Click on them to expand them. What you write will depend on your circumstances, but to a point these letters are generic.
Please don't just copy these letters- just take them as guidance- the Alternative Guide is a very popular resource, and if you copy them word for word, charities may well recognise them! Remember, you can also issue an enquiry via email.



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